Many people who have recently been diagnosed with strep throat will be under the impression that their symptoms are simply due to the common cold or flu. They might even think that they can use anti-chills medicine to make their symptoms go away for a short time. However, even though these medicines do reduce the symptoms, they do not cure the infection.
A typical test to diagnose strep throat is called a strep test. The doctor will perform a quick strep test on you in the clinic, usually by using a sterile cotton swab. The test just takes about five minutes to perform. If there is no infection present then the test is successful.
There are different ways that a patient can develop an infection from strep throat. First of all, if the bacteria have penetrated into your throat it has a greater chance of infecting another area of your body. It can also enter through the broken skin on your face, which is easily visible to other people. And finally, some forms of strep throat can be transmitted sexually and this can lead to a full blown infection in one or both partners.
So what causes strep throat symptoms in the first place?
The simple answer is an overactive immune system. Bacteria that causes this condition have a natural ability to stick to our immune systems, so any damage to the immune system results in an infection.
To counter this overactivity we often take prescribed and over the counter medications that contain natural antibiotics. These can help to prevent the infection in the short term, but if the bacteria continue to grow unchecked then they can spread into other areas of the body causing serious symptoms. The good news is that most sufferers of this condition can get better by themselves once their immunity levels start to rise again.
If you do end up with this problem, then you may not only suffer from strep throat but also a number of other minor symptoms. These include nausea, fatigue, and fever. If the soreness and pain continue to get worse then you should see your doctor as soon as possible.
But how do you treat the infection if it is already in your throat? If you do end up with a sore throat and do not have a fever then your doctor may recommend a throat irrigation procedure. In this procedure the doctor inserts a thin glass tube in order to wash the infected area. away the infected fluid from the lining of your throat.
After a while the sore will heal and the fluid will drain back into your mouth. If the sore is irritated or inflamed then you should seek medical attention immediately. In either case it is advisable that you wash the area with mouthwash before the next meal.
If the throat symptoms persist even after this procedure then you should seek medical help. If you are prone to colds then you should take a strong antibiotic pill or a prescription.
In more severe and mild cases you can treat the problem naturally. One of the easiest ways to do this is by consuming lots of water, eating plenty of fruits, and avoiding foods that contain yeast.
The fact is that many people don't drink enough water. This can contribute to the problem, but if you're suffering from strep throat then a lack of water can actually make it worse. You should consume eight glasses of water daily, especially in the morning. This is one of the best ways to flush out the bacteria from your body and to get rid of the sore throat symptoms.
Other foods that can help the treatment are bananas, celery, garlic, onions, and honey
These can help to kill the bacteria, thus helping to kill off the sore and eliminate the sore throat.
Don't forget to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, especially raw fruits. Fruits and vegetables contain a number of nutrients, vitamins, and essential nutrients. These can help to balance your body so it will produce stronger immune systems that are more resistant to diseases.
It is always a good idea to keep some sort of exercise regime in place. It will help you maintain a healthy weight, which is an important part of the immune system. and it can help prevent other health problems in the future. If you suffer from strep throat, it is very likely that you will become weak and susceptible to infection again in the future, so the best way to prevent this is to stay as healthy as you can.
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